Image of Smiley graduating

Educational Programs at AutomationDirect

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Product Grant Program
AutomationDirect will accept requests for product donations and product discounts from schools, colleges, and universities throughout the year, and we will award grants in the form of discounts and donations on the following dates:
December 15th / April 15th / August 15th

Requests should be submitted at least one week prior to these dates.

The focus of AutomationDirect’s product grant program is on the education of students in the use of AutomationDirect products, and specifically on our core programmable products, PACs/PLCs, operator interface products, motor control (VFD) & motion control products. To this end we prefer to make donations of - or offer discounts on - these types of products. Requests for other types of products to be used in conjunction with these core products are also encouraged.

Once grant decisions are made, donated/discounted product can typically be shipped from stock within a few days – if not immediately. In some cases, the school may have to fulfill certain obligations before the product in question can ship. If a grant is not funded after the initial request – schools are encouraged to continue to apply for future grants. There are many reasons that a grant request might be turned down (including budgetary restrictions). AutomationDirect will attempt to provide as much information as is reasonable in the event that a request is turned down.

Grant requests should include: AutomationDirect prefers that grant request information be submitted via e-mail at . Follow-up questions and notification of awards will typically be e-mailed, although a contact phone number should also be provided. Schools should be aware that any purchases of product should be handled though the AutomationDirect sales department.

If a school wishes to establish a credit account - the online credit application page is here.

Details about the 15% educational discount are here. About Us | Contact Us | © 2011