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Extra Keypads for Durapulse (GS3) Drive Training
We've got extra keypads (GS3-KPD) for the Durapulse (GS3) series of drives available for educational use.
With the Durapulse drives, all the drive parameters are stored in the keypad. This is handy if you have to replace a damaged drive - but it's also
handy for training. We can supply additional keypads so that each student or group of students can have their own keypad even if the class must
share a limited number of drives. The instructor can easily reset the keypads to the factory defaults (simply set P 9.08 to "99") prior
to training, and then each student can insert their keypad into the drive and program their own drive parameters from scratch.
Spare Keypad GS3-KPD
Fits all GS3 Model Drives
To receive additional keypads, please send an e-mail to .
Please include some details about your training course, the number of Durapulse drives you have, the number of students you are training per semester or year, and your preferred shipping address.